Under the frog

Day 2 of the Facebook challenge, and nothing felt more appropriate than this book.

It was the title that caused me to pick it up in the bookshop, but then I was hooked by the subject, a black comedy involving a group of young men making up the Railway works basketball team in Hungary around the uprising of 1956. You’ll have to trust me when I say it is very, very much funnier than it sounds.

The title comes from the Hungarian phrase used to describe when someone is at their very lowest, which is to say that they are ‘under a frog’s arse down a coal mine’. Which is just weird and perfect at the same time.

Given today’s utter nonsense - and can there ever have been a more tragic news conference than the display of deluded defiance Theresa graced us with today - it feels like that is where the whole country is.

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