Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom


It was another beautiful day today.  We are getting spoiled by all the warm weather but it will be ending soon according to the forecast...  Even though I went to water aerobics this morning I still had to make the most of the day and go for a bike ride.  It was 65F and cloudless when I left but I learned my lesson a few days ago and dressed in layers.  I rode 26 miles and it got a little cloudy and chilly by the end but I was prepared and quite comfortable.  My collage today is wildlife seen on my ride.  There were 6 deer on one of the bike paths, this handsome guy and his harem.  They weren't at all afraid of me and I was able to get quite close.  The miniature horse was so cute.  He came right up to the fence to greet me.  He was not quite as tall as my bike.  I couldn't resist the pigs and even stopped on an uphill to get their pictures.  Good thing I had the motor to get me started again!  The horse and donkey on the bottom middle didn't want their picture taken so they were walking away but they still made it to the collage.  And, last but not least, there was the giant metal rooster who was taller than I am!

I am grateful for my wonderful bike that allows me to ride much further than I could on my own.  My legs are tired even though I used the pedal assist most of the time!  I hope they recover by tomorrow because I'm planning to get one more ride in before the weather turns on Wednesday.  

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