Keeping Warm

It may be 4° warmer today but my short cycle run round the policies after lunch made me so cold that a hot water bottle and blipper Wildwood’s lovely soft blanket were required to thaw me out enough to be able to knit.

In other matters, why does the much vaunted Lidl store near me always let me down when I make a special effort to go there?A rhetorical question, perhaps. It seems to have a selection of food which contains nothing I want. It must have something to do with it’s small size and the community it serves.
I went early to avoid the crowds, my shopping list held tightly in my little hand and came out with just two things on the list and two things I didn’t really need. I had to go to my local Sainsbury’s who tend to sell olives and hummus rather than a good selection of vegetables- I blame the high number of students in the area.

The store is rather wonderful though with bananas, having enough on display to feed an army. With the ones I bought last week turning a fetching dark brown in the fruit bowl, I decided to make a banana loaf which fulfilled today’s need for domesticity, allowing me to time to cycle and knit as another day fades into an early dusk at 3.30 pm .

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