
By Snowyjones

Sleepy snake

Sightseeing agenda for today was the snake temple, so named for obvious reasons. Built by a Scottish guy for a monk who had cured him of an incurable ailment of some description. The monk allowed the snakes to have the run of the place and the tradition continues on, although they could have been fake to be honest, not even a hint of movement from any of them. Still very beautiful though and it’s in keeping with the people around here, no movement unless absolutely necessary.
It is my last day here and I am not sad to be moving on. There has been lots to see, it’s very multi-cultural, cleaner and greener but I have not really taken to the people here in the way I have in the other places I have visited. So another day of travelling tomorrow, my destination is Bali so how cool is that? Hoping for some Hindu temples, volcanoes, beaches, yoga, snorkelling and will give diving another go I think, it sounds too good down there to miss.

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