
By Snowyjones

Up close

Visited a butterfly place on the island after hearing good things about it but to be honest it was much the same as the one in Edinburgh. The main was that when you go into the one in Edinburgh it feels really hot and when you go into the one here it feels really cold. Presumably they are both the same temperature as it was the same varieties of butterflies in both. Absolutely beautiful!
Frustrating hotel experience today. It was a completely unmanned hotel with lock boxes to pick your keys up, which might have been ok except there was no working electricity in my room. Spent the first half hour thinking I was being really stupid until I enlisted the help of a lovely Korean guy who saw a bit of paper saying the power had been cut off due to unpaid bills. Spent the next hour trying to contact the host, then who also couldn’t get in touch with the host. My phone was about to run out of charge by this time so just had to leave and get somewhere else to stay. I have managed finally to get a full refund but no swimming pool or kettle for me, although, there does seem to be a water machine in the hall which gives you hot or cold water. They all have there own wee quirks these places but I was missing my lovely Vietnamese hotel guys today, or any hotel guy for that matter.
I did, however, achieve a battery powered toothbrush finally but the woman gave me the wrong batteries despite our joint efforts in deciphering the instructions. Still, one step closer.

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