The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog


Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

It is still fuh-ree-zing. I finally broke and went to buy some jumpers for work at lunchtime. It’s freezing in the office and apparently a goraffe onesie isn’t appropriate ‘dressing for your day’ as it’s an office and not the savannah.

I have never really liked or owned jumpers. It brings back memories of Mary Doll knitting all my childhood jumpers with wool from sheep who must have been fed solely on sandpaper.

But now, I am the owner of knitwear and I can stop shivering at work. I had a slight moment of wondering if this is a sign of my middle-age but apparently knitwear is ‘in’ so its all fine and I am still current and relevant.

Right; I’m just off for a quick nap before I head out to the bingo.


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