Therapy Dogs

I finally went to theatre about 4pm yesterday and came round in the recovery room about 7pm so there was no chance I was going home. That said, I had a really rough night, I was so dehydrated I was out of breath and I couldn’t even keep liquids down, so I ended up on a saline drip.

Alan came for a few hours and although I wasn’t feeling great, it was nice him just being there.

Anyway the drip did the trick and I managed to get some sleep and felt brighter this morning, but I’m in so much pain! Ben came to see me to discharge me and was on his way to an army briefing so he was kitted out in his army uniform! He explained that he did the decompression and also a tricep tendon repair which I think is causing the most pain.

I’ll see him on 10th December for a check up, but need to start physio next week. He said I’m likely to be off work for 6 weeks but I asked him just to do a sick note until I see him, which is three weeks, then we can see how I’m doing and he can always do another note if I’m not ready to go back.

Alan picked me up at lunch time and the boys have kept me company on the sofa all afternoon.

My photography is going to be limited for a little while and typing is difficult so I’ll blip as and when I can, but I’ll keep up with you.

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