Life In Wales

By KarenC

The Blue Door

Lockdown 2, Day 17

We drove to Arlington Reservoir for a walk, never been before and despite it being a very grey day, we enjoyed the walk around the perimeter of the reservoir.

My blip today is probably the most ugliest thing I’ve ever taken a photo of, yet there’s something I like about it - I had to position my camera through the metal gate to take this and I like the leading lines to the blue door. It looks like a bunker from the war or something from the Eastern block and is very different from my usual choice of photo.

Yet again we were amazed how many people were breaching the ‘Rule of 1’ and saw groups of people walking together. Not only that, but they manage to fill the whole width of the path and don’t make room for others to pass!

I was very disappointed in I’m a Celebrity tonight - Saturday night TV and there wasn’t a live programme, they just showed clips of the previous week. We switched off and looking at the amount of comments on their social media, many other people did too, I hope they change it for next week!

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