The other day I noted it was the time of year to think about The Cake. Today's photo, of Holy Trinity Church at about 3.45pm on a dreich afternoon, is pretty seasonal as well. The trees are more or less bare, so the building is no longer smothered in greenery, though it is itself almost a silhouette. In the left foreground, a small tree shows some late gold, the only colour in the landscape.
And as I took the photo, I have to confess I was actually thinking about calendars. The Holy Trinity calendar - no, not the Kalendar, which auto-correct hates and which is something quite different - is already printed and ready to go on sale at the Christmas Fair tomorrow, full of photos taken of and around the church (it is, after all, in a rather picturesque setting). It is already time to start stashing away new images of this familiar shape, almost time, along with the church year itself (and yes, the Kalendar) to think of another year.
Actually I can't bear it. I'm not ready for winter. I've been too busy looking at elections and media and the mendacity to think about carols and candles, too distracted to get into a winter frame of mind, too preoccupied to plot presents and puddings. I want the days to be longer and I've decided I ought to be living somewhere warm.
On a cheering note, however, I've just downloaded Leonard Cohen's latest album Thanks for the Dance. Yes, I know he's no longer with us, but this is new and and very much with us.
As an extra photo I'm adding something strange found at the foot of a tree in the Bishop's Glen at whose end the church stands. See what you think ...
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