
By Madchickenwoman


Oh dear I'm behind with my blips and with your journals ... but the decluttering is still going strong! Today it was the back yard - movement of more pots off the chicken coop so The Builder can take it away and clearing out of all the broken pots and pottery that I have been hoarding or decorating the garden with! I've decided to revamp the whole area to create more space for me and Oscar. As I moved the trays of broken pots out from under the gazebo I discovered another rat hole. I thought I had blocked off all access to the area under the gazebo but rats are cunning little devils!  Evidenced by the fact they they haven't been tempted to eat  any of the bait I'd left out for them. But I haven't heard them scurrying around in the roof space above my sunken bath so maybe they have moved on having been spooked by all the movement I've been doing in the back yard and the banging on the ceiling I did whenever I heard them up there! Not conducive to using the facilities as you can imagine!  Lets hope they haven't moved on from the bathroom roofspace to the floorboards in my house!! I'm hoping the smell and presence of FatCat and Oscar will deter them! At least  I've seen no new holes on the hens plot recently so I seemed to have detered them from there! 

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