
By Snowyjones

Beautiful Bali

As the sun begins to set behind the mountains I find myself in the most magnificent spot yet. After a overnight stay in the capital I was picked up this morning by a delightful young man and driven to Permuteran on the north east coast. The journey took us high into the mountains, through the clouds with views over Danau Buyan lake and then past many Durian and Jackfruit trees. Realising how intrigued I was by the local fruits the guy stopped at a stall and persuaded the owner to let me taste some, all except the Durian of course, as it is very expensive and I didn’t buy one on account of them being banned in hotels. I did, however, purchase some delicious jackfruit and some other things I don’t have a name for as yet.
Four hours later I arrived at my luxurious accommodation, not just one pool but three, one right outside my door and two down at the beach so there is a delicious and constant breeze. Complete decadence on my part but I have just reached a point where I am really very tired. Not quite sure why to be honest, perhaps that I do better when I have a routine, but just need to stay in one place for a while I think and I wanted it to be somewhere nice. It is stunning, never stayed anywhere like this before and the staff are amazing and so graceful to just watch. There has been a huge local effort to minimise the environmental impact of tourism here so no buildings exceed one storey. You are asked not to apply sunscreen before going in the sea because of the damage to the coral which is literally right there as you step into the sea, so there are marked entry points. They are running electricity under the sand into the sea which stimulates mineral growth and helps the living coral that they are introducing to attach and grow. It is a quiet area with few tourists, when I googled ‘events near me’ it drew a blank. Some lazy days snorkelling on the shore I think and then I will do some touring around this beautiful island. Thank you to Stan who recommended visiting this area, it’s perfect.

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