Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Portrait of a sick puppy!

Xena loves her food - she eats it so fast that she really needs to slow down, and so we have taught her to wait before starting to eat her food. So when she showed no interest in her supper last night I thought something was up - but she seemed her normal sparky self last night. This morning when she turned her nose up at her breakfast - which included her weekend treat of scrambled egg - I realised I had better get her checked at the vet. She did not seem that ill but being the weekend I thought best to get her checked while the vet was still open on Saturday morning.

I suspected she is a bit off as she chewed my slipper yesterday and I think she has swallowed some rubber from the sole. I was concerned that there could be a blockage but despite vomiting twice everything was coming out fine from the other end (including bits of chewed up rubber)! The vet gave her a thorough examination, palpitating her intestine to see if he could feel any obstructions, but there was nothing apparent. She was also playful and bright whilst at the vet so he was not too concerned, but of course you cannot really tell if there is any blockage without an X ray and even that doesn't always reveal the problem.

She has slept a lot today and seems quiet but she has not been sick again so I am hoping she is just a bit off and will be better tomorrow. I hope so as we have a Scent Training Workshop booked for all of tomorrow morning.

It has been a productive day at home. Gavin put up the outside winter lights on the house which looks very pretty (just plain white, nothing garish!) and also bought lots of bulbs to plant. We almost forgot to plant bulbs this year and we are not sure if the ones from last year will come up as the squirrels eat them. I made a soup for lunch and have cooked a lamb curry for lunch tomorrow, so it will be ready when we get back from the Scent Workshop.

A nice treat, Luke is coming home for the night. We will pick him up from the station and have an early supper at a nearby pub. He is busy studying for exams which take place next week so he wants to study at home tomorrow.

Today is the 3 year anniversary of when my mother died. At times it feels much longer than 3 years ago, and at other times it feels like it was a short while ago.

I finally watched the first two episodes of The Crown - loving it so far! 

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