Christmas Tin - EB

We left a lot of the clearing up from yesterday  until this morning. - it was only the big pans and stuff like that so soon sorted.  I spent the morning catching up on blip and then balancing  the Jubilee Hall Accounts - they didn't balance grrr  - just a case of putting an item in the wrong place.   All done now.
My blip today is a real emergency blip as the light has gone so has inspiration.    This Christmas tin sits above the shelf where I do  my sewing . It has a few dents but considering it age it has done well.   I only have the box I think it must have belonged to my grandfather who I never knew as he died long before I was born. 
The Princess Mary Christmas gift box was a brass or silver tin containing a number of gifts intended to be distributed to all members of the armed forces of the British Empire on Christmas day 1914, during World War I

Another very wet damp and dark day  - If you have time check out yesterday's back blip 

Have a good weekend blippers 

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