Sky Light

This morning as I went to set the microwave for the porridge - nothing - dead as a dodo.  We knew the interior light had gone last weekend but it worked OK.  This morning nothing.  KG said unplug it as see if that helps - well the plug is behind the microwave and unreachable.  -  So onto Amazon and sorted out a replacement  - I wanted just an ordinary one as I never used the oven and grill on my old one.  found one - took the old microwave out in readiness for the arrival of the new one tomorrow.  Just out of curiosity I plugged it in and it worked.  We decided  that it was probably best to replace it as you never know when it would go again.
Rest of morning spent on admin  and getting the bills out for the Jubilee Hall.  4.00 pm no blip - I looked up and saw my light and liked it KG liked it even more and added legs to it and called it War of the Worlds.  He will probably be watching that later on.
Another dull dayl.

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