Pearl Jam UK

We were very lazy today. I decided to lie in bed until it hurts!!
So we were up only in the afternoon and  I still felt shattered.
We went to 4 pm breakfast and the to Jim to look for Neil's glasses. 
He finally needs some to!
Then it was close to 6 pm and we had gig tickets for Pearl Jam UK, a truly incredible Pearl Jam Tribute band!
And on top of that a fine bunch of boys!!
I had texted Kevin, the singer in the morning for a photo pass, but at 6 pm I was feeling so knackered that I would have stayed home if I had not bought tickets.
Kev then cam back with the information that my photo pass was sorted - so I had no choice than to pack my gear and get ready.

The venue was very nice and the staff was very pleasant.

I got access to the security part in the front and at the side of the stage and was allowed to stay there through out the gig.

Light was challenging, but I had a great time and the band is soooo good!
They played full 3 hours and I had plenty of time to get some good shots (and a lot of crap shots too).
After the gig we managed to miss the band. Neil was energised and wanted to go dancing. I was happy to go home. So we went for a drink then I queued for a taxi and Neil went to the Cathouse.
At home I had to look through the photos and was up until 4:30 am!
Neil was home even later.

Blipping a few shots from the gig.
These guys are really good. If they play close to you - make sur you go and see them!

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