
By Appreciate

Waxed - whew!!

Another great day - viewed another property this morning. Loved it - could just move in straight away. Full of character and has the compulsory coal fire. So - up to the power of positive thought now...I want to sell.

Cooked a big pot of veggie tagine for the freezer and once again covered my kitchen in spinning wheel parts - this time waxing the pieces to fix the paint. It gives an antique colour to the paint which I love. It also acts as a waterproofer so that when I go to spinning classes, I can get it a little wet tearing across the car park.

I will buff it all tomorrow and take it to school on Tuesday for the jani to assemble - am SO excited!!

I'm thinking about a name - got an idea but it might need a wee tattoo somewhere on the wheel as identification. Is this spinning etiquette or have I just broken every rule in the book - I don't have the rule book!!! Don't believe in them any more!!

What a lovely relaxing weekend - no driving, friends and something a wee bit different - for myself! Nice!

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