
By Snowyjones

Bird of paradise

Early start today in an effort to beat the heat and get some exercise in during the cooler hours, so before 8am or so. Went to visit the temple, once again forgetting about clothing requirements but the old guy at the entrance soon appeared with a Balinese outfit which he wrapped around me and that was me, good to go. Was expecting the monkeys to be a bit intimidating after reading reviews and the warnings from locals but no, they were just lazing around yawning. Suspect I may have woken them up.
Thought I should try a Balinese massage while I was here which, thankfully, was a lot less painful than the Thai massage. While there I decided a pedicure might be a good idea after 2 months of flip flops and the same nail varnish. Thought she would just take off the nail polish, cut my nails and do something to the cuticles. How wrong I was, I had no idea there were so many things you could do to a foot, such attention to detail as with everything else I have come across in Bali.
Was persuaded to go and see some Balinese dancing by the bike hire place, their sideline business? Beautiful, graceful dancers imitating birds of paradise but then, sadly they obviously had to encourage ungainly, overweight tourists to join in, what can I say?

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