Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Family in Fife

Drove over from Largs to Fife and to my brother's (blipper busboy) for coffee at his flat and a wee catch up, then lunch out at the Elbow Room in Kirkcaldy.  Bb had coaching calls to do in the afternoon, which he did from busboy's flat while my brother, blipper purpleperson and I went for a walk round the allotments, had coffee and then back to his flat for a bit of Christmas pressie sorting out and wrapping.  

In the afternoon we went to my niece Sarah's house to catch up with her and the three kids.  Can't remember the last time we saw her hubby Martin cos he works shifts and is always working when we're there!  Lovely to spend time with the wee ones, although far too short as always.  Katie was keen to show off all her dressing up things (see one in the blip) and Michael spent a while with Bb in his bedroom proudly showing him all his things - including lots of 'happy memory' things. Bb commented that it was all very organised for a little boy's bedroom!   Hannah, the wee one, isn't in this photo and was just starting to be less shy with us when it was time for us to leave - next time!  The three of them play so well together and really look after each other.  Credit to Sarah and Martin that they're such lovely kiddies and so polite and caring.  Have put in a few extras, including one of us trying to get a pic with all three kids.  Thanks to busboy for taking the photos and it wasn't till we were leaving that we realised we hadn't taken any of him and purpleperson!   Ah, one of the extras is of Jean this morning in Largs before we left - the little xmas tree and lights in the shot was one of the pressies (folded up) from Alexis, Bb's sister, to us.  She'd left our pressies at Jean's but as we're travelling hand luggage only, they'll have to stay there till another opportunity to get them back to Barcelona!   We thought it a shame not to leave the tree for Jean to enjoy.

Drove through to Edinburgh and quick turnaround for Bb, who was meeting friends Cameron and Richard.   I was quite happy to stay in for the night with a cup of tea and a sandwich and the Graham Norton interview with Elton John on tv. 

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