Reality check

The weather is really getting to me. I know it's winter and not exactly the time of year we all jump up and down about the weather to begin with but seriously, one day after another of just GRAY!
I had to return a coat that I had bought for my dad for Christmas. Well I actually had to exchange it for a different size. Either would have been fine but as luck would have it, I could not locate the gift receipt and there were no tags on it to show where I had bought it.
My husband did all the talking to customer service and I ran to get a different size coat. I get back with the 'hope to be exchanged for' coat. Well, they weren't being so understanding of our predicament and the assistant manger had to get the manager and the manager had to make a phone call and all the while the line is getting longer with customers waiting behind us. I stood there sweating. I don't do well in these type of situations, I was holding the last coat in the size I needed and I wanted to just swap coats and leave. It's not like we wanted something for nothing! We were giving them the same coat back in a different size! Urrrgghh!

I took out my camera because quite honestly I wanted to look like I was doing something, anything! I was going to take a picture of the line of people with angry faces glaring at us but I spotted these mugs on a table and when I read the words on the mugs I had to laugh. I took a deep breath, snapped the picture and realized this was not worth stressing about. No sooner did I get my blip and the nice lady behind the counter agreed to our swap!

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