Mexican Art

Being back home is nice but I wish I could have brought the nice weather back with me. It was so nice to have a break from the cold and gloomy winter. Mexico in January is like early summer. It was sunny, warm but not too warm and no humidity. I spent as much time as possible outdoors.

I wanted to thank everyone for all their comments during the week I was away. I am slowly catching up with the blips I missed while in Mexico.

My blip today is of one of the little treasures I brought back with me. While walking along the river the day we went shopping in town, I watched some local Mexican girls making these bowls and they used a small sewing needle to place each one of those beads into the bowl, one at a time, to make the design. The base of the bowl is actually a hollowed out gourd.
My big job today was unpacking and getting laundry done. Believe it or not, I had to leave the Christmas tree up since I left right after the New Year and I have yet to get that put away. I’m procrastinating until the weekend.

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