Hawea Gold

Monday is walking with the "B team. You know that.
And today it was not too hot, not too cold but just right, just like the 3 bears porridge. You may well ask how I know such things and I think I chewed a story about Goldilocks (not the blip one) when I was but a pup and it probably gave me indigestion. You tend to remember the bad stuff...have you noticed this?
Sorry off subject there.
Our walking Boss (acyclinggranny) decided that we would do the second half of the track from Albert town to Hawea so we did. Next week The Boss is The Boss of the walking group and we will go somewhere else. I know where 'Cos I have been there last weekend BUT I am not allowed to bark it. So I won't. GOOD DOG! Eh?
There are bikes everywhere as Wanaka is building up for The Wanaka Challenge next weekend, when an amazing amount of normally sensible folk will do a triathlon starting with a lake swim. We will be down watching so there may be a triathlon Blip that day. The Boss and Bossess Doctor is going to do the whole thing twice. WOW that's even more amazing. The Boss is really glad that he is way too old for this sort of carry on.

The pic is of the control gate end of Lake Hawea. This lake is controlled and the water released goes down stream to the Clutha and then into the numerous power stations downstream. Because it has rained a lot last week the lake is full and excess water is being let down the river to the delight of the kayak folk who have just finished a wonderful training area down there. You can't see that but you can see the control structure on the left. This area is also used as a boat mooring area and the Camping ground is top right.

Additional useless technical info.
In the time that The Boss and I stopped to take this pic on his iPhone, which did require him to lie down and get up again, the walking group had walked out of sight. Now do you understand what I have to put up with?
Bigger Poppies?

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