
We woke to another hard frost. I was impressed how the frost seemed to echo the shape of the coloured glass maple leaf which hangs close to the glass.

May I have a seasonal rant?
After another rehearsal of the CLIC Sargent Hospitals Choir in town this afternoon, we tried to queue nicely for our bus home but almost literally fought our way from the bus stop to actually board the bus, given the hoards of visitors to the Christmas funfair/market jostling past, even cutting through the queue on both sides of the bus shelter, in either direction, so large is the seasonal invasion. Do they not realise folk are waiting to catch those buses that come along Princes Street at regular intervals, not just standing around in an orderly manner? And, when a bus stops at the shelter, people will want to move along and get on it.
Do we thank Underbelly for imposing this chaos on the residents? If the city received any financial benefit, we might grin and bear it - but we don't, they're a commercial company with an eye for profit.
Fortunately we have only one more rehearsal in town, on a Sunday and will not be using the bus.

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