twinned with trumpton


No football- frozen pitch. So Hoover fixing and kitchen cleaning was my reward. 
I'd hoped to get onto the bike but it remained awfy white for the morning....

I went up town to fetch 'the photo' for Granton Hub's cafe pop up exhibition and now leaving a gap on Her kitchen wall that needs filled. Time for a new one for 2020? 

Then back to town with the grand news that the Binos had scored a 93rd minute winner at Borough Briggs. To Absolute Thai for a cheeky wee pre theatre dinner. (There was no theatre to follow. Just drama)

A painful walk home, which never got properly explained as the lass was escorted home by the constabulary, half a bottle of Echo Falls imbibed. 

Too slithery to bike home, I opted for 4 wheeled transport home, mulling over thoughts, not wine. 

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