Creeping and crawling.

And doing a grand job of keeping the pool clean.

Whilst the top step is a bonus for me getting in and out the pool there is a slight design flaw. When the water levels go down the step is bereft of water and the current water restrictions don’t allow for topping up.

It’s been an interesting day that started just after midnight when we got back from Sue’s and I returned missed call from mum.

She had a fall on Friday and the doctor arrived to tell her it was a bad strain. Fast forward 34 hours when they discovered very early this morning (waited over 7 hours for an ambulance) that she had broken part of her right hip.

She had surgery this afternoon. So, instead of my plans of getting lots of work done while the office empties,. I will be hightailing my way north on Wednesday evening.

I cannot begin to imagine the pain she has been in but hopefully that’s now a thing of the past.

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