Light...At the end of the Tunnel

Here we are on an ATR, thats a pro job plane, flying back to Wellington, having abandoned any Queenstown dreams for now. Air NZ was happy to try to get us into Queenstown by flying us to Auckland and back to Queenstown on a Jet but The Bossess thought it was a bit dodgy weather wise so we went back to Wellington instead and all was well with that with only a slightly bouncy landing that no one clapped for. REALLY exciting landings get a round of applause. We are an appreciative lot us Kiwi’s.
Todays extra (A Monochrome image OK?)  was captured this morning looking out the Koru lounge window but it had diminished by the time we left.
The Boss was chatting to a nice (older) lady on the plane up who was very excited to be getting her first ride in a Glider next week. She had obviously lost her handbook on how older folk are supposed to behave as she is also going to have a mini flying lesson. The Boss has subsequently checked and can’t find his copy either. 

The Bossess would like to thank all you lovely folk who propelled her image to such heights. WIIF!!!!!

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