
By Houseonahill6

Richard’s 30th Birthday

Richard’s birthday today , his 30th so we wanted to do something special.
Mike and myself went for a lovely Autumn walk in Kelvingrove Park.The leaves looked amazing soo many colours. The squirrels were very friendly and one made me laugh as he stood begging behind a photographer who was looking the other way. It started raining just as we got back to the hotel.We checked out and took a cab to the bus station and then a bus into Edinburgh.We met David in our next hotel, left our bags and then met Richard and Ronnie in Wagamama’s for a really good meal. Lovely to all be together.
Richard,Ronnie and David went off to the cinema and Mike and myself looked round the portrait gallery.A very impressive building with some amazing pictures and a great library full of lots of interesting bits and pieces.
In the evening we went to Usher Hall to see The Tallest man on Earth, an indie folk singer from Sweden. We all had good seats in the front Row of the circle.
We grabbed a MacDonalds before taking the tube back to York Place and back to our hotel.

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