Richard’s birthday celebrations

A busy day starting with a visit to Morrison’s to pick up some bargain, 50p, pumpkins and a few other veg for a Vegetable Orchestra that we are doing on Tuesday with the Brownies.
On to meet Richard and Ronnie for lunch at The Three Witches.A very tasty carvery but no room for pudding :)
The rain started just as we left and we thought we might get a soaking at the opening of the Ticket Office in North Kessock but it stayed dry luckily.This is a project that the local community have been working on for the last 4 years and they have done an amazing job.It’s surprisingly roomy inside with views out to the Firth.The Hydrophone has been reinstalled so it will now be possible to listen to the dolphins.
Lots of old photos and memoribla on display but it was busy so we did not have chance for a proper look so we’ll go back at a later date.
Had a quick drive to Udale bay hoping to see a Great Egret that had been sighted earlier in the day but we could not see it.
Next to the beach to watch the fireworks in Rosemarkie.A massive bonfire, children making shadows in the wall lit up by the flames, fireworks exploding over the top of Maureen’s ice cream van that was doing a trade and one huge firework that filled the sky to end the display.
Home for cake and hot apple and sparkler fun in the garden listening to the owls and geese over head :)
Happy birthday Richard, hope you enjoyed your day, we did !

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