Close, but no Coconut.

Well, it bears a passing resemblance to "the bleak mid-winter". But there's no frosty wind to "make moan" ... or any other sort of wind worth speaking of, the earth is not hard as iron and the pond is still noticeably wet.

Quick run out to "The tip".
"The Man" had dismembered a sofa/settee (Delete where inapplicable) but his vehicle was a teeny bit shorter than ours so I was volunteered as O.i.C. dumping stuff.

I keep repeating, ad nauseam, that I don't "have the eye" for composition, but I spotted a couple of trees which kinda leaped out and waved as I approached them.

We studied it in glorious technicolour and B/W.
Rockall difference so Technicolor© it is. (I wish themoverthere would learn to spell proper like what we do.)

Faced with those two or a shot of an albino Womble/Yeti/Polar bear.

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