
By OCDman

Yet again

The North East of Scotland comes to a grinding halt. I have three routes to work. Number One was closed due to a car being on its roof. Route Two was closed due to a jackknifed lorry blocking both sides of the road and Route Three was the main A96.

No problem from Inverurie to Kintore and there the traffic stopped. Spent two hours stoping and then crawling a few yards and then stopping again before just outside Blackburn it all ground to a halt.

This gave me chance to play with my camera settings and discovered a black and white setting so here is me sat in my misery waiting to move again and yes idiots were hurtling down the outside lane slipping and sliding everywhere.

End result of the tailback was a very polite policewoman who told me the hill we had to climb before we drop down into Aberdeen was blocked by cars who had got stuck on the way up and their advice was to turn round and go home.

This I duly did and what with both the other roads being blocked was the end of my day. Not a happy chappy as it is not like the council did not know the snow was coming but then alot of the problems were caused and are always caused by irresponsible car drivers who do not understand the road conditions.

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