
By cowgirl

Right, I've had enough!

This is Shadow, post trip to the vets. I have to say I'm quite proud of him, he wasn't as badly behaved as I'd expected and didn't bite anybody!

The lovely vet ( who would have played a part in my blip today but I forgot to take a camera, dammit! ) realised giving him pills might be a challenge so gave him a powerful antibiotic jab and I just have to give him some anti-inflammatory drops, which he gulps down with food no bother.

So it seems he's been in a fight and been bitten which has caused an abscess to develope under his armpit, which is why I couldn't see it. I have tried to open the bites and so did the vet, but that action is unfavourable as far as Shadow is concerned so neither of us are likely to succeed without needing antibiotics ourselves.

Anyway, the antibiotics are already working and Shadow was quite adamant that he wanted to go out, which is why he's staring at me in this shot. I'll probably get a similar look at bedtime - can't really kick Sav out anymore, I think it's time Shadow went back to the spare room and let Sav have his side of the bed back!

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