Bayon, Siem Reap
It was a sunny hot and humid day as we arrived at Ta Prohm the temples we briefly visited yesterday where they have been left in their natural state with trees growing amongst the fallen ruins. A photographers paradise although the bright sunlight and tourists didn't make for the best of shots and we were on a schedule, see extras for another shot from here. We then walked across a moat with heads of deities and animals across it through gate that was designed to accommodate elephants, ie not big enough for cars, onto the intricately carved elephant terrace.There were three headed elephants and lots of elephant carvings as we walked through Angkor Thom into the magnificent Bayon (late 12th century) temple complex. This has very large stone faces carved into many towers, see extra for a view of the whole building. As we were walking around the wooded areas we came across a small group of monkeys and were shown a few very attractive spiders hanging in webs around us. While walking around the temple we spotted a large dead tarantula spider.
In the evening we caught a tuk tuk to a local theatrical circus type show. It was a memorable journey as we took all the backstreets along very potholed roads. The show was very good, the performers are from the local area and either from poor families or have various disabilities including trauma. They found that taking part in specific skills to suit individuals was a good therapy for them. The show was a Buddhist moral play about gold, wealth and greed called White Gold. Rice represented wealth and the play involved acrobatics, juggling, dancing, painting, music and acting. An innovative way to showcase their skills and a great performance.
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