Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Have you seen these men?

Looks like a crime in progress to me.

This is the office block opposite. The two Santa on the roof are, I confess, photoshopped. The inflatable one with his green arse hanging out is for real. 

There are some people in this world you see every day but never know. So it is with the folk across the road. Maybe we should put a big sign in our window nearer Christmas saying "fancy a beer"? The nearest pub is only about three hundred feet away. Or we could challenge them to a football match in no-man’s land (AKA their car park).

Reasonable day at work. Usual frustrations but a couple of bug things ticked off.

Dizzle went to the Avici tribute concert in Stockholm last night. Blown away by it. Sounds like a once in a lifetime experience. Awesome.

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