Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

No Fish and Chips

Unity Diner at the Guildford vegan fair today. This was my early lunch, which was excellent (first class batter, full of flavour, big chunky chips and an excellent tartar sauce). As their slogan says, there aren’t plenty more fish in the sea. 

We also bought vegan cakes and vegan cheese, nuts, olives and Turkish delight. And in the town centre afterwards they had a great quartet (violins and double bass) doing classics and popular numbers with fun, energy and improvisation. 

Usual crap in Curry’s trying to buy a new fridge and cooker. Computer says no (stock) but not until you’ve spent 20 minutes filling out forms on a terminal which seems to have had an argument with the salesman’s iPad and gone off in a digital sulk.

Good day nonetheless. Long catch up with TGR in Canada later. And tea and cake, natch...

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