Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Just Another Garden Bird

Sorry folks but yes it is another garden bird. Still recovering from this cold and the ears have got worse again so definitely not tramping up the hills or around the lochs till I feel a lot better. I have to say that tonight the really bad ear popped and suddenly I could hear again for about two whole hours. Staring to fill up again , such is life.

Still I did manage to go for my accordion lesson which was not all that great, sorry not the lesson , just my dreadful playing. A bit like Eric Morecombe , all the right notes but not all in the right place! Just as well Fraser is very patient. Must be better next week!

So here tonight is the one and only blip of the day, a chaffinch from the lounge window, didn't even sit at the cold front porch for this one.

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