Daily Pixels

By Pene


It's a pretty cool day today. It won't stop the kids from swimming.

It's about day 10 in my (last) chemo cycle so feeling buggered, my skin has fallen apart (ie spotty and won't heal), my nail beds hurt (so opening a packet of crisps is hard), my feet are a darkish colour, the soles ache and the skin is peeling, my pore sore bum, I have a few small mouth ulcers (not too painful but still present), My limbs are a little twitchy (not too achy this round) and I'm very tired and emotional. Im just sort of documenting the specific details 'cause its my last round....And I suspect it's a bit like child birth, you forget the pain once it's over. ... Or at least that is how I seem to have been between cycles. After each round as I've started to improve, I felt like, "ahh, that wasn't so bad, I've coped well, no serious infections, blood counts always back up where it should be, no delays, kind of subtle really...etc etc,"

Anyway, the bottom line is ... not long to go now!

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