
By Jaybay

It’s up

Jobs this morning and nice long walk with our pup and the daughters dog. This afternoon we have been decorating the house for Christmas. It’s a bit early for me but we are away for a week from tomorrow so will be nice when we get back.
The pup was not as troublesome as I thought she would be, but did steal a couple of things and ran off to hide them.
I actually placed all the gift under the tree, as we will be taking them with us the hubby thought it was a waste of time when I then had to pack them away. Our tree decorations are really old but I love them and the memories they hold.
Daughter on way back from London and I get quite anxious when she is driving. I often wonder at what age I will stop worrying about her, she is 33.
Need to feed the Christmas cake, cook dinner and pack.

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