As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

A New School Record Holder

So today wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

I changed my schedule and added band to it! I'll be learning the bassoon in all of my free time. I can't wait! In physics, Larry, Zach, and I sat in the back at a table and played chess, while also doing more physics that most others in the class. I hung out in the physics room after school for a bit before heading home. I ate some Mac and Cheese and watched TV before heading back to the school for the bus to the Conference meet. I ran a 10:46 3200m (a 2-second PR for the indoor season!) and a 2:16 800 in a 4x800. We got a medal for the 4x800 but I wish I had ran a little faster in the 3200m. We left the meet earlier than most and we got home at 10:30! That's unheard of.

Oh, and Pat (pictured above) won two school records. No big deal.


Word of the Day: Also-ran - A person who loses a contest, election, or other competition

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