
By Snowyjones

To infinity...and beyond

Hello! Guest blog from Leila here. Having a lovely time with intrepid Angie on the island of Ko Tao in Thailand. We have had a lovely day.

We thought about posting a photo of Angie’s rather impressive mosquito bites but decided you would much rather see the view from the infinity pool at our hotel where we spent the later part of the afternoon. Ange has waterproofed her phone so can take pictures while swimming: she snapped this beauty which shows the tops of the coconut palms and the horizon beyond as it appears as you swim towards the pool’s infinity edge. The light is amazing.

After breakfast we commandeered one of the hotel’s 2 man kayaks and headed out across the bay past the moored taxi boats and the diving boats and landed at a delightful little cove for a swim. The bay is turquoise and sparkling and we floated around in the warm shallows for a while marvelling at the view.

Later, as the afternoon light began to thicken into evening we decided additional action was needed to deter the mosquito population from visiting our terrace. (There aren’t loads they just seem to be rather effective.) So it was off to the pharmacy for mosquito coils and a plug-in thingy to complement the Jungle Formula and the Incognito as we mount our defences. Tomorrow we are going off round the island on a boat for a snorkelling trip so it’s off to bed now to the sound of the waves breaking gently on the white sandy beach a few yards from the door of our hotel bungalow. Mmmmm. Night all.

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