
By seddon


Today the weather has been horrible!! Gale force winds and heavy rain. Lovely to walk Thomas to school in!
The health visitor came this morning to do my 9-10 month health check. Mummy had to fill in a questionnaire about what I can do. When it was scored, it showed I'm not quite where I should be for movement, so the health visitor is going to come back for another visit in afew months time,although neither she or mummy are worried about me. She's also going to refer me to a paediatrician and hopefully get a dietician referral for my CMPA - something she said should have been done when I was first diagnosed!
The old sofas were collected after lunch - I watched the men carry them into the truck from the dry and warmth of the house!
I had a little snooze this afternoon - mummy left me lay on my side cuddled up with my doggy, but I got myself more comfy by using him as a pillow!
This evening it was tennis for Thomas, inside because of the weather. Mummy forgot to take my tea, but I was very patient sat smiling away at everyone from mummy's knee, and then had a little feed to keep me going!

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