Buy a sheet of lino, create a design, transfer to the lino, then mark making commences, at the end of the process you have a linocut for printing, plus a pile of lino trimmings for the bin.
What a yucky morning, thick drifting drizzle plus a strong wind. I did attempt to put a coat on Ella but getting her front legs through the openings was a challenge too many for me, she definitely was'nt up for having it on either so we headed off with me in full waterproofs and Ella with her curly coat. It was'nt heavy rain fortunately, but we walked a different route to try and avoid walking into the wind. A good rub down with the towel when we got back then Ella was ready for breakfast. Had a message from Jan, then a phone call from Mum. They WERE coming down for lunch. That gave me time to write some more Xmas cards. I need to get the overseas cards posted a.s.a.p I'd had a message from Nicky now in Oz giving me the contents of her parcels so that will be a visit to the post office tomorrow morning. J & mum arrived so we headed down to the Drum Inn for lunch. I had'nt been in there for years so was pleasantly surprised. Lunch was fine although not quite as stated in the menu which I pointed out to a member of staff.
I gave Mum two packs of Xmas cards when they dropped me back to the house, thinking I had plenty to finish off my own list, only to find I need another 2 packs at least. Oh poo!!! Never mind I will have to pop in the Rowcroft Hospice shop and buy some more tomorrow.
Made a lovely Minestrone soup for supper tonight, then started knitting a scarf while watching Masterchef The Professionals.
Ella is just doing her last walkabout, time for bed
Thanks to carol_durham for hosting Tiny Tuesday this month
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