Time to change the artwork
This creation of mine came up in my FB memory (2015) this morning "UOA - 'Two's company ........' You know how it is when you get an idea in your mind. ..... I don't read magazines like Hello!, but I had to do something with one that an Oz visitor left behind, & this fitted the bill perfectly .... You might spot a few celebs ......" ..... This was when we were living in Thailand. It's been hiding in the spare bedroom but came out today for a dusting & place in the lounge. I'm a proper magpie!
A dull start to the day, fetched the paper then down to get the 'dug', take her for a walk on the heath. Spotted the white bob of a deer making a quick & fairly quiet getaway (Indie did'nt spot or here it, which was surprising). The heath pretty mucky undefoot as we'd had heavy rain overnight. Back to Mum's with a spare doggie poo bag of crab apples. I said to Mum if anyone had been passing me along the road they would have wondered what I was putting in the bag. no one passed by fortunately..
Beep! That was my lift, we went out to BT and spent a very pleasant couple of hours chatting over coffee.
Back to Mum I brought up the subject of dog walker as I'd had a message from Suzanne. I can tell Mum's nervous about allowing anyone else taking Indie out for her walks, it's only natural, she's precious, she's been Mum's company for the past 8 years.
Back home hubby is sulky ... Phew! Lunch.
Hubby was pestering me about sawing the timber for a coupe sections of timber I want to use along the paths on the allotment, so nipped up and measured up for them, then went up to the post office, posted Mum's cards, & mine. Another job completed.
Thought about my blip, tried a couple of ideas, did'nt work. Snapped 'Two's Company ......'
Grabbed some fabric, & started cutting out some circles of fabric to top my homemade chutneys & jams. Phoned Suzanne for a meet up at Mum's to discuss walking Indie. Sounds promising. She's coming down to Mum's on Saturday afternoon to meet Indie. :-) I'll do 4 mornings, Suzanne 3, & flexi if we need to change. A perfect solution I hope.
Prepped dinner watched the final round of The Chase.
Roast duck tonight .....
Tonight's Poirot nugget - "Outrageously beautiful, dumb as a fish!" I think filmed at 'Greenway', Agatha Christie's house down on the river Dart estuary.
Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday - 'Decorations'
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