Portland, VIC Windfarm

I have finally found time to post something.....I'm gonna need a holiday to recover from this holiday.....the rest will be back blipped ASAP !

We stayed at Andreas friends house last night in Portland, VIC.....

We had a great time last night with a great slow cooked lamb shank dinner and some great red wine.....Justin followed that up this morning with home cooked bagels and great coffee for breakfast! Then we headed out to see some of the sights around Portland, for some reason despite all of the amazing coastlines and beaches we saw today I loved this shot of a local wind farm.

We then drove down to Warrnambool and had lunch with Justin and his wife Tammy.....they unfortunately managed to pay for lunch before we could do it! So not only did they cook dinner, open a great wine, let us stay the night, show us around town, bake us a cake, pay for lunch & offer to bring wine that we bought earlier in the week to our house in March when they drive past on their holidays.....pretty good hosts!!!!

We then went our separate ways and headed down the coast to the start of the Great Ocean Road......a quick detour in land to the Timboon Distillery to try and buy some Single Malt and then back to the coast and the first couple of look outs! It is an amazing drive but we only made it as far as Port Campbell at just before 5.....the rest will be tackled tomorrow when we drive on to Melbourne!

A quick swim..... quick mainly because I nearly stepped on a huge sting ray that I thought was a rock freaked me out and made me not wanna hang around in the water......it was freakin huge....just think what happened to Steve Irwin!

Fish and Chips on the coast with a couple of beers and now bed!

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