The Adventures of Emilia

By Emilias_mummy

Thank goodness its over...poor mummy

Mummy had a tough day today, leaving me with papa for most of the day to sit exams for a new job, and there was drama with mummy forgetting some things she needs to feed me and it all got a little too much for her.

I, on the other hand, had a good day, I met some of mummies besties from work and you can see with AliBali that we already have an understanding of one another. Pretty sure she is gonna be someone I have lots of fun with as I grow!

Papa also did super good today, he was calm, he problem solved and he took excellent care of me. Now I'm taking advantage of mum guilt to sleep on mama all night and wake up everytime she puts me in the cot. We've got the same tomorrow, but only for half a day and then mummy can forget about work and focus on me until she has to go back next year. None of us can wait!

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