Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Run Pretzel!

A sunny day! It was gorgeous up the hill, if a bit chilly. The dogs did their running to and fro between us for absolutely ages. Archie won almost every time, but he kept cheating and starting before Pretzel. I wanted them both to come in together, but that didn’t happen, no matter how many times we tried. You can see JR away in the distance.

JR went to the supermarket in the afternoon, not the usual one, but a part of town with loads of different shops and supermarkets. She was away for hours! No worries, the dogs and I relaxed on the sofa, although I did check out how to renew passports and then put them away again till next year, but I must have done something else useful because I didn’t snooze.

I did my coffee table exercises FOUR times! It's really handy on the table. I also tried really hard on the bike, pedalling hard for two minutes, then slowly for two minutes. Doesn’t sound much, but boy! It's tough for me. I am determined to get these legs working properly again.

I think there might be SNOW tomorrow for the Big Day - Election Day!!

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