Thomas Muir of Huntershill

Today's the day ……………………. to vote

We went to a superb talk last night at the Kirkcudbright History Society - about Thomas Muir (1765-1799).  I'm ashamed to say that he was not someone that I had heard about before - but he was a very important person in the history of Scottish Democracy. 

As the leading voice of reform in Scotland at the end of the 17th century, he suffered persecution and ultimately transportation to Australia, for sedition for advocating democratic principles in Scotland.  He was essentially a democrat who believed in the people when the majority were not allowed to vote.  If you want to, you can find out more about him here.

Suffice to say that if it weren't for the likes of Thomas Muir, we would not be having the chance to cast any sort of vote in today's elections.  Which is why it is very important - no matter how fed up or disillusioned you might feel - to go and exercise that right ……………………...

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