A Watery Day

I woke in the night to huge thunderclaps.
SWMBO never stirred.
When I woke at a regular time it had been raining (no surprise there) but it was nice and clear.
After breakfast we had a lie in the sun for a bit before donning snorkels and making our way slowly out to the end of the jetty. There weren't many fish but I did see a couple of foot long whit(ish) fish with a blue stripe from head to tail along the top of their backs (must try and look them up). There were 4 large angel fish along with their entourage of small stripy pals at the bottom of the steps part of the way along the jetty - and some crabs on the wooden steps at the end of jetty.
Maybe it was the overnight storm that had everything heading for cover (or going to the outside of the reef for food having been brought in).

On the way back to our chalet we stopped and spoke to the female half of our new neighbours - Londoners who foster special needs children. They definitely have their heads screwed on when it comes to standards and politeness …. and food wastage by the Germans and Russians here who pile their plates high knowing they are not going to eat half of it. She does admit though that she gets in a panic about getting into the water in case she gets eaten by a shark. She said that they were going to watch the shark feeding. That wont help her get over her fear!!!

The thunder storm and rain came back during the afternoon - rain like I have never seen before.
It was great sitting on the veranda (in the warm) and watching the beach disappear and reappear as the torrents of rain swept through.

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