Frozen Caterpillar?

I got up and there was a fair bit more snow than yesterday so I went out for a walk with the camera.
It was very wet snow - and getting wetter with the drizzle. 
I wasn't out for long because I was getting soaked with all the snow falling off the trees.

Things didn't go brilliantly at the lathe with bits snapping and others taking to the air, so I was quite happy to give it up as a bad joke and head into the house when No.1 son phoned. The phone call tuned into a video call as soon as Bunny heard my voice and started calling me and looking for me on the phone. So that was a good end to morning.

I haven't really done anything else (apart from completing on-line forms for passports for a friends 4 kids) as SWMBO has been in bed due to the foul weather coming in.

Other pictures are available.

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