
By slipshod

Scott Memorial

As most people know, Captain Robert Scott and four companions died in 1912 in terrible Antarctic conditions on the long trek back from the South Pole, which they had discovered was reached about a month before them by the Norwegian, Roald Amundsen.
The connection with Cardiff, and the reason for this memorial lighthouse at Roath Park lake in the city, is that in June 1910 Scott's expedition set out from Cardiff docks in their ship "Terra Nova", a scale model of which sits on the top of the lighthouse.
The lighthouse memorial was erected in 1915, and the Captain Scott Society - which encourages the spirit of adventure, especially amongst young people - holds an annual dinner at the Royal Hotel in Cardiff.
This annual dinner commemorates an actual farewell dinner at the hotel, attended by Scott, expedition members, and local businessmen, when a large amount of money was raised for the venture. As far as possible,a menu the same as the original is served each year.
My grandfather was a young docks policeman helping to control the cheering crowd as the "Terra Nova" left Cardiff.

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