
Neither of us got much sleep due to waking up every so often to check the election results. Went up to the Dean Gardens and had a walk alongside the river in the hope of spying an otter (some had been photographed larking about by St Bernards Well the other day). No luck with the otters, but did see a dipper who we stood and watched for a while. Very good value, dippers. Somehow seems daft that something that looks rather like a plump blackbird should be so at home diving about in a fast-flowing river. He was moving around so fast that I was lucky to get most of him out of the water, no chance of showing the white breast as well!

In Stockbridge we found a consolatory pie at Mellis.....D walked home and I got the bus, feeling somewhat sluggish (i.e. like a slug).

Arclight expresses my thoughts about the election far better than I can!

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