Lyde (Day 1682)

A slightly later start this morning, and as the woofers were taken out for their morning wander by  my beautiful wife, I zoomed into town to collect some more pellets for the boiler. Hopefully we now have enough to see us through to the first deliveries of the new year.
Back at home, I swapped the van for the truck, and zoomed back to town with the first of two loads of stuff for the dump. It is really surprising how much I can get in the back of the truck when the seats are folded down.
HV returned home from doing hoss stuff shortly after I got home from my second dump run, and we had a quick lunch together before taking the woofers to Lyde. Despite bright sunshine it was cold in the strong wind.
All too soon it was time for HV to head to work, and I took a bit more stuff to the dump. I finished up my activities for the day by unloading the pellets out of the van and into the garage.

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